Masters Hypnotherapy Certification
Level 2
With Certified NATH Trainer Madonna J. Kettler, PhD
On-line and in person classes -
The Role of the Master Hypnotherapist
As a NATH certified instructor, I hold the view that all conditions in the human-earth existence are allowable and agreed upon (on some level) for the purpose of experiencing, learning, and ultimately evolving. by way of experientially learning, we prosper and expand our consciousness. We make choices within a given set of circumstances, yet we always have free will to change our minds. After lessons are experienced and learned (through a process that often can appear challenging and lengthy), we may shed prior limitations and heal.
Each individual has had a completely different variety of what we call past experiences, and because perceptual awareness is unique, even the same objective experience is perceived individually. On this level of thought, everyone will have their own unique belief structure and experience, which may be referred to as the human system of organizing our experiences into logical, conscious thought forms. Although these structures may vary and seem disconnected, one universal process in the human experience is feeling. How each individual experiences feeling varies from discontentment to inner peace. Feelings are a result of our beliefs, and generally are the root of our behavior. An effective role then, in which a Master hypnotherapist may engage, is to be a facilitator… allowing the client’s process to unfold in the moment, in order for them to achieve transformation, and heal at their own pace.
Five days of regression therapy training including advanced transformational models and emotional clearing techniques including Wounded Child, Soul Retrieval, and Past Life Regression to Spirit Releasement Therapy. Learn through lecture, group demonstrations and experientials. Anyone intending to enhance their abilities in the field of hypnosis will benefit from this program. Must be a Certified Hypnotherapist or Hypnotist to be accepted into this program. Rated at 170 hours
Course Requirements:
Intention Statement (included with your down payment
80% attendance in class (50 in person or on-line hours)
Purchase and read the two volume set “Regression Therapy: A handbook for Professionals” by Winifred Blake Lucas, PhD (available on Amazon)
Purchase and read “Remote Depossession” by Dr. Irene Hickman
Two open book exams based on the textbooks with an 80% passing grade
Completion of 5 outside experiential regression sessions
The deadline for the out-of-class regression sessions is 90 days from the final day of class.
Other highly suggested reading includes “Spirit Releasement Therapy” by William J. Baldwin, and “Birth, Death and the Afterlife” by Madonna J. Kettler, PhD.
As we learn to allow, accept, forgive, heal, and ultimately love ourselves and others, we can better guide others to do the same. The Master Hypnotherapist may serve as a “bridge” into the Self. It is truly and honor to be of service in this manner.
History of Regression
Power of Intention related to Regression Therapies
Spirit Releasement Therapy
Somatic Healing
Advanced Past Life Therapy Integration and Regression Techniques
Soul Retrieval
Wounded Child
Emotional Clearing Techniques including Grief and Loss, Habits, Addictions, and Anxiety models
Guilt Intervention
Forgiveness Models
Fear and Phobia Interventions
Other advanced regression modalities
Numerous demos and experientials to further your abilities in the fascinating realm of transpersonal regression.
After fulfilling the requirements of becoming Certified as a Master Hypnotherapist you will receive a Certificate of Completion from the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists and can display MHt or Master Hypnotherapist/Hypnotist after your name. CEUs available.
Tuition and Registration
Tuition is $1,295 which includes an in-depth NATH training manual and sample scripts your instructor has used with great success. As a NATH member you will also be listed in the NATH directory as a certified practitioner. For additional information about NATH go to www.NATH.world.
The completed registration form (emailed to you by your trainer), a $295 deposit, and a brief statement outlining what your main intention is in taking this program, are required to reserve your space. See “Course Requirements” for the textbooks needed (not included in the tuition fee).
To order your registration packet, contact Madonna at The Center for Inner Peace, LLC.