Certifications, Services, Classes & Retreats
Hypnotherapy Training
The following Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Trainings are now available, both online and in person (when possible). Click on the training you are interested in for more information.
Hypnotherapy Certification Level 1 (CHt)
Masters Regression Certification Level 2 (MHt)
Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression Level 3 (LBLt)
I AM Wowed Facilitator Certification
Vibrational Alignment and Balance Certification (VABt)
Private Sessions
I offer individualized sessions focused on Clinical Hypnosis (weight release, building self-confidence, addictions, fear…), Regression Therapy (past life, future progression, regression to the source of a fear or phobia…), and L:ife-Between Lives Spiritual Regression. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy can facilitate amazing healing and a deeper understanding of who they are for most people, in one or more sessions.
I also offer Reiki/Energy Healing sessions as well as Spiritual Mentoring. Click below for more information.
Online Classes
Have a group of people eager to learn? I’m happy to teach remotely through Zoom, Skype, or in socially-distanced settings when possible.
Psychic Development — Hands-on Healing
I AM Wowed Program and I AM Wowed Facilitator Training
and all hypnotherapy trainings (Level 1, 2, 3, and VABt)
More information coming soon. In the meantime, please use my contact form for questions or more information. Thanks!
Need a getaway? Don’t we all! Let’s take some time to regroup, write, create, heal, and discover more about who we REALLY are…
The Rings of Evolution, Healing Tones
Music composition by Ray Sibley, Voice of Madonna Kettler
Ray and I have known each other and worked together for over 20 years, creating many meditation and self-hypnosis CDs. The Rings of Evolution Healing Tones series is our latest collaboration, created to promote deep meditation, relaxation, positive affirmations and healing.
Together, we are launching our new Series for the Rings of Evolution. It contains 3 MP3s for your physical, emotional and spiritual benefit. Join us at our web page to view the story of the Rings of Evolution, it's many gifts for you, the Music of the Rings and our new offering. The benefits for you are many and include:
1) Deep peace
2) Deep Relaxation for your body and mind
3) A greater sense of self empowerment
4) Healing for the body
5) Healing for the mind and help for those suffering from Dementia, Alzheimer’s,
PTSD and a variety of Addictions
6) A greater sense of connection to Source and to your Divine Essence
Here is the Link where you can view the story, read more about Ray Sibley and our offering, and sample of The Rings of Evolution, Healing Tones with Madonna Kettler.
Rings of Evolution Series (divineloveproductions.com)
To purchase this amazing series, go to my “Shop” page. And of course, contact me at madonna@madonnakettler