Weight Release
Experience wonderful relaxation and healing while in a safe, mild trance state as you release all the weight you desire. Create positive change in all aspects of your life as you decrease your size and expand your light, not your body!
Music by B. Ray Sibley.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.
Experience wonderful relaxation and healing while in a safe, mild trance state as you release all the weight you desire. Create positive change in all aspects of your life as you decrease your size and expand your light, not your body!
Music by B. Ray Sibley.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.
Experience wonderful relaxation and healing while in a safe, mild trance state as you release all the weight you desire. Create positive change in all aspects of your life as you decrease your size and expand your light, not your body!
Music by B. Ray Sibley.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.