Our Story
Our mission is to help you find your true self. Let us help you discover what truly makes you happy.
Some of my most popular items
Experience deep relaxation while in a safe, mild trance. Connect with your higher guidance. Enhance your psychic and intuitive gifts. Fly with your spirit helpers!
A fantastic collaboration of channeled words with music by b. Ray Sibley.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.
Also called “Fear Buster”
Relax while in a safe, mild trance as you let fo of fears and replace them with love. Increase the light within you as you pursue your “fear-less journey”.
Music by B. Ray Sibley.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.
While listening to gentle, channeled music and the quiet rhythm of a beating drum, relax as you tap, tap, tap away anything you are ready to release — pain, blame, fear, shame, unforgiveness — then bring in love and peace. When you are ready, this will help to facilitate the process of releasing, easily and effortlessly.
Music by B. Ray Sibley.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.
Train yourself to relax and relieve stress on all levels. Become less reactive and more proactive. Learn to live in peace, free from any stress or anxiety… then emanate that tranquility to All That Is.
Music by B. Ray Sibley.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.
An exceptional experience that uses positive hypnotic suggestions combined with channeled music that helps facilitate balancing your chakras while you relax in a peaceful trance state. build your self-confidence, enhance your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, and magnetize the success that is your birthright! Not your “average” self-hypnosis experience.
Music by B. Ray Sibley.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.
Experience wonderful relaxation and healing while in a safe, mild trance state as you release all the weight you desire. Create positive change in all aspects of your life as you decrease your size and expand your light, not your body!
Music by B. Ray Sibley.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.
A work of love that was guided by Spirit. The words and music take you deep into outer and inner space.
Intuitively channeled by each artist with the intention that you experience deep relaxation, connect with your Higher Self, and receive special gifts of balance, enlightenment, as well as a deeper connection with your Creator. The vibration of the words and music envelop you as you connect with your Creator and take a wonderful journey home.
Artwork by Barbara Evan. Music by B. Ray Sibley.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.
Relax while in a medium trance state. The step prior to loving yourself unconditionally is self-acceptance. Start believing in yourself! Learn to accept yourself without judgment, and see yourself as the light you are. Train yourself to hold positive thoughts of peace, harmony, and self-acceptance for yourself and others. Release expectations and live FREE to BE... allow your light to shine! An integral part of the I AM Wowed Program.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.
Move yourself to the next level of consciousness through breath, channeled music, and intention. Raise your vibration to whatever level you are ready for as you relax, breathe, and allow yourself to experience a profound connection with the highest realms of being, including a conscious connection with your Creator, your Highest Self, your ancestors or guided - whatever is for your highest good. Enjoy the peacefulness of being in love.
Music by B. Ray Sibley.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor vehicle.
Relax while in a medium to deep trance state as you explore a past life that may help you understand more about yourself and all you have been.
Never listen to this session while operating a motor veihicle.